Welcome Friends & Families of Bear Valley.
This is a hub for all things “children” in our wonderful community of Bear Valley. We hope to keep you up to date about local events, fundraisers, and even opportunities to donate. Here you can contact BVPG directly and stay informed about the ongoings of each sub-committee of the Bear Valley Parents Group.
Bear Valley Elementary Needs a Playground!
If anyone has seen what is currently there, it is neither safe, nor state approved. We have a design and a quote from the company that installed the community playground. They have generously offered to donate the majority of the installation. Now we just need to raise enough money to cover the cost of the structures (there has to be 2 for age appropriate standards). These play structures will bring joy and meet the needs of the school. The current cost of the structure is about $35k over the budget for this project. That being said, if we could raise even more it would offset some of the other important work that needs to be done to bring the school up to code.
Current projects include:
ADA compliance- bathrooms, lift that stops at all 3 levels of the school, etc
Tunnel Rebuild- the tunnel that leads into the school is rotting and needs to be rebuilt to withstand water and snow load.
Playground- The state mandates that we have age appropriate play structures with specified surfaces and clearances.
All 3 of these projects are very important for the school. If you, your company, your friends or family, or even strangers want to donate, it would mean so much to us. If there is a specific project you would like to donate to please specify with your donation.
Send checks to:
Bear Valley Parents Group
PO Box 5186 Bear Valley, Ca 95223
Or Venmo- @BVParentsGroup
Upcoming Events

Our Story
The Bear Valley Parents Group (BVPG) was established by parents who needed child care options for their infants, toddlers, and school age children. Today it functions as a 501C3 Non Profit LLC and raises money for Bear Valley programs through fundraisers and soliciting donations. We have also worked closely with Alpine County to receive supplemental funding through grants and contracts. Presently, BVPG oversees and supports the following programs;
Busy Bears Playschool (Infant/Toddler child care)
Bear Valley Summer Day Camp (8 week summer program for 5-12+ y/o)
Bear Valley Community Garden
Bear Valley School (K-8th grade)
Bear Valley Homeschooling Families
We thrive on the support of our community and the communities surrounding us. If you are interested in donating please click the link below. Every donation goes straight to the children of Bear Valley!
We appreciate any and all support!